The International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer
Vision (IW-FCV) is the exciting chance and place for
inter-communication and discussion through many
presentations of the advanced researches from the
worldwide research communities of computer vision
theory, applications, deep learning and big data.
IW-FCV 2020 will be held in Ibusuki, Kagoshima.
Ibusuki City is located at the southernmost tip of the
Satsuma Peninsula, the mouth of Kagoshima Bay in
Kyushu island. Ibusuki is well known as a city with
abundant hot springs, such as the "Natural Sand Hot
Spring" that is unparalleled in the world, full of culture,
art and history, and welcomes you with warm, friendly
hospitality and delicious food. In addition, we have
prepared various sessions and events so that everyone who
attends can enjoy it with academic exchanges.
Topics of interest include all aspects of image processing, computer vision, machine vision,
the fundamentals and applications including, but not limited to, the following areas:
Fundamentals and Theory: Image filtering, Enhancement,
Restoration, Transformation, Stochastic vision, Stereo
vision, Scale space analysis, Hough transform,
Morphological processing, Image sequence analysis,
Image processing architecture, Representation, Color and
illumination analysis, Vision geometry, Coding, Error
Computer Vision and Image Analysis: Shape-from-X,
Active vision, Image/Scene segmentation, Object
detection and tracking, Visual language and description,
Deep Learning-based Vision, Machine & semantic
learning for computer vision, Integration of deep learning
and conventional method, Performance evaluation and
Applications: Image/Video search and retrieval, Video
surveillance, AR/VR/MR/HR, Smart factory, Smart
healthcare, Intelligent transportation system, Bio-medical
image analysis, Smart agriculture, Smart home, Logistics
and distribution, Autonomous land vehicle, Intelligent
The following awards are planned:
Best paper award / Best student paper award / Best poster presentation award / Best demo
presentation award.
IW-FCV2020 will have the following sessions.
a) Oral session :
- 15 minutes (10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A) presentation in an oral session
- paper type: full / short
b) Poster session :
- 1.5 hours presentation in a poster session
- paper type: full / short
c) Extended summary session :
- 7 minutes (5 minutes presentation and 2 minutes Q&A) presentation for the introduction
of on-going projects in an oral session
- paper type: short
Post-workshop proceedings
The organizing committee publishs the post-workshop proceedings of IW-FCV2020 as a Springer
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series after the workshop. The
post-workshop proceedigns will include only high quality papers selected by reviewers.
The conditions under which a paper is subject to peer review for inclusion in the
post-workshop proceedings are as follows:
1.The paper must be a full paper (12-15+ pages) which contains original research that has
neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.
2.When submitting a paper, the authors indicates his/her intension to include the paper in
the post-workshop proceedings.
In addition, in order for a paper to be included in the post-workshop proceedings,
it must:.
3. be presented at the workshop by at least one author.
4. When submitting the camera-ready version, the authors complete and sign a
Consent-to-Publish form to transfer the copyright for the paper to publisher.
The post-workshop proceedings will be included in Springer Link Digital Library.
And workshop attendees have free access for four weeks after the post-workshop proceedings
are published.
Authors should consult Springer's authors' guidelines and use their proceedings templates
for the preparation of their papers.
Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.
Please kindly refer to the editorial policies webpage and note the importance of this.
Paper Submission Instructions
Paper format
Submitting papers should be formatted with the following paper templates (Springer Computer
Sicience Proceedings format):
- formatting templates for MS-Word and LaTeX, as well as the link to Overleaf, are available on
the Springer webpage:
Paper type
IW-FCV2020 accepts the following two paper types.
- full paper : |
12-15+ pages |
- short paper : |
1-8+ pages |
Paper submission site
Paper submission is handled via EasyChair :
Call for Demo Presentations
IW-FCV 2020 welcomes submissions for DEMO presentations.
Your demo presentations will be shown in the workshop program (Web, and booklet)
and be presented in the same room as the poster presentations.
A workshop paper is NOT mandatory for the demo presentation, but you can
submit an article to appear in the workshop proceedings (USB stick).
The demo papers will not appear in the post-workshop proceedings.
For submitting the demo presentation, please send the program chair
( an e-mail containing the following items.
title of demo presentation:
presenter list (names, affiliations):
facilities you need for your demo presentation (number of tables and electric
outlets you need):
paper (in Springer format) (if you intend to include it in the USB proceedings.)
The due date of demo submission is Jan. 31, 2020.
We can provide a board for posters, one or two tables, and a power supply.
Please note the type of electric outlet is Japanese (Type-A).
We can not provide any converter for the outlet type.
Presentation Instruction
Oral Presentation Instructions
Each oral presentation is allocated 15 minutes: 10 minutes for
presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A and setup.
And each extended-summary presentation is allocated 5 minutes for
presentation + 2 minutes for Q&A and setup.
At the workshop, 10 minutes before your session, you must:
Introduce yourself to your session chair in the presentation room
Test your laptop or upload your slides to the conference computer
If you use the conference computer, remember to embed (and not link)
all videos into the presentation file
The LCD projector has both VGA and HDMI connections.
While the projector is compatible with wide-size (16:9 or 16:10) presentation
slides, the size (aspect ratio) of the screen is standard-size (4:3).
So, be sure that a wide-size presentation will be reduced in size to
fit the screen width.
The speed of the internet connection will be limited. We do not
recommend you to use video-streaming or online-demonstration in your
Poster Presentation Instructions
The poster panels can accommodate posters of A0 portrait size.
Please use sufficiently large fonts for readability.
We do not specify any
poster templates and can not provide poster-printing services.
The location of your poster will be identified by the paper number
from the program.
Materials to attach your poster to the board (before
9 am of your day of presentation) will be provided. Each poster is to
be presented for a full day.