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Research Associate Professor, Research Lecturer or Post-doctoral Fellow Position for Information and Computer Sciences (Kyushu university, Hiroshima-city university, and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

We are a research group of Japanese national universities and institutes, and are seeking a maximum 5-year researcher (assistant professor, research associate or post-doctoral fellow, one-year renewal basis) with experience in areas of following fields, but are not limited to: Computer vision, medical imaging, 3D reconstruction, 3D geometry analysis, computer graphics or AR/VR systems. The successful applicants will be part of our project "Development of robust and accurate 3D endoscopic system based on structured light and deep learning" supported by MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant #18H04119 of Japanese government.

Project abstract

Active vision systems are usually limited to either partial or static scene reconstructions. In our project, we develop a system and technique to acquire a dense shape of a moving object, escpeically human body, using a projector-camera system. To solve the problem, we propose a 3D reconstruction technique based on one-shot scanning method where the system consists of camera and a static pattern projector. Since a static pattern is used, fast reconstruction of fast moving objects is allowed. This is required to perform dynamic 3D modeling with high frame-rates.
We also develop a multi-projectors-cameras system to capture entire body of human and micro-projector-camera system for endscope to capture inside human body. Please also check the following sites: Outline of the project Publications of this research project presented in CVPR'08, ICCV'09, ICCV'11, ICCV'15 and ICCV'17 are found at the following URLs: paper1 paper2 paper3 paper4 paper5


Principal researcher: Hiroshi Kawasaki (Kyushu Univ.), Ryo Furukawa (Hiroshima City Univ.) and Ryusuke Sagawa (AIST)
Collaborative researcher: Shinji Tanaka (Hiroshi Univ. Medical department)

Offered positions

Research Associate Professor, Research Lecturer or Post-doctoral Fellow Positions The post-doctoral candidates will work at either *The number of position is one or two for each of the above organizations.

How to apply

Candidates should have a Ph.D with published research experience in above research area.
To apply, please send an email with following 1) 2) and 3) to apply18[at]cvg.ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp with subject [yourname:Kaken18 application] at first.
If file size exceeds 1MB, please upload the file to some web site and send us the URL.

1)A complete CV with portrait,
2)List of publications and presentations,
3)Name, affiliation, e-mail address and phone number of at least one references.

Then, please send following materials afterwards:

4)Reprints or photocopies of one or two major papers,
5)Description of past, present research activities and Research plans in one or two pages,

Prof. Hiroshi Kawasaki
Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Kyushu University, Japan
ADDRESS: 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
TEL/FAX: +81-92-802-3764

Deadline for applications: 20/7/2018 27th Jul. 2018
Applications will be closed after the positions are filled.

Starting date: As soon as possible once accepted after 01 Oct. 2018